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Attorneys and Counselors at Law

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With Abdullah Al Suwaidi Advocates & Legal Consultants, you may have all your legal matters/requirements covered and secured, in the most efficient affordable way available in Dubai and all the Emirates of UAE. Our team of Lawyers & Legal Consultants proudly holds more than 20 years of solid working experience in the varied fields of legal practice, including but not limited to: Clients'​ representation in the Courts of Law, DIFC Court, Arbitration Committees, Disputes Resolving & Settlement Committees, Police & Public Prosecution Departments, Land Departments, Economic Departments and Free Zones Authorities.


By tania.advocates 02 May, 2018
The civil courts in Dubai have to play an important role in solving disputes. The personal affairs of people in varying contexts are resolved by the Civil Court.

This may include divorce issues, the conflict of inheritance or specialized cases concerning the adoption of children. The rights and obligations are duly elaborated by the law.

By tania.advocates 17 Mar, 2018
Often termed as the City of Opportunity & Gold, Dubai has far surpassed its sister states in terms of Global popularity and harbouring most nationals. What started out as a humble shipping port, has now developed into one of the biggest global business destinations. Each year we study an influx of foreigners setting foot on this land in hopes of turning their lives around.

The popularity of the state as an attractive prospect for career growth and international business, the need arises for a stronger legal network. This is maybe, in part, due to Dubai’s International Financial Center (DIFC) that lures in businessmen and tradesmen in flocks to the city centre. The demand for legal advisors was never as strong as it is now.

Advocates and Lawyers in Dubai celebrate a number of benefits and career growth opportunities that rarely any other state offers. The profession may be time-consuming and requires a financial investment, but it is among the most honourable one as well.

To further clarify our point, here are 5 reasons why one should pursue a law career in Dubai:

Tax-Free Income
Lawyers and advocates are among the highest paid professionals in any part of the world. Most attorneys earn salaries way more than the national average. However, this largely depends on experience level, employer size, and geographical region.

This is the reason why Dubai is the leading capital for legal professionals. Lawyers and advocates regularly flock to Dubai for a period of 1-10 years for practice and return with banks full of savings and international experience in hand.

International work
The biggest reason Dubai attracts so many advocates and law firms is that the nature of the work is international. The work in these international firms is usually complex in nature, having multiple departments working together. It provides a challenging experience to ambitious individuals.

Although the work is mostly focused on industries like construction, energy resources, and finance sectors, it’s not limited to it. In fact, Dubai lawyers experience a chance to practice very diverse and dynamic cases, accumulating valuable experience.

Common law System
Unlike many developed countries like the UK, which offers common law practice in its courts, UAE’s legal system is based on civil laws and Islamic Shari’ah law. The courts operate in parallel, and the medium of language is Arabic, not allowing international lawyers to appear in front of the judge as a legal advocate.

However, the formation of Dubai International Financial Center (DIFC), Dubai’s most well-known free-zone, the opportunity has multiplied for international lawyers. DIFC has opened courts that are conducted in English and are based on common laws. This has made the process a lot more accessible to international firms and transparent in nature.

Global Legal Community
Dubai currently houses over 200 nationalities from around the world, which includes expats from all walks of life. The lawyers here have moved from far parts of the world, allowing them to build their portfolios while making indispensable contacts. The city has lawyers doing distinctive work in niche fields in the Emirates and the rest of the globe.

The legal market in Dubai is smaller in size in comparison to cities of the same opulent stature. This allows the lawyers to live in harmony as a close-knit community. The smaller market allows your work to be more visible and stand out to the masses. This also means that the new members have a faster chance of establishing themselves.

Social Life
Dubai is not only known for the career growth opportunities and year-round sunshine but also the number of top-notch attractions it has built over the years. To diversify its economy better, the state has progressed itself to become a world-class tourist destination spot.

All of this adds to the quality of life the professionals enjoy here. After the customary working hours, the lawyers and professionals entertain a dynamic social life. The state has a culture that promotes healthy nightlife, with so many clubs and attractions, that the choices are endless.

Although the cultural differences between UAE and the rest of the world are quite distinct, it is still worth considering if those cultures can be adapted to or not. The professional advantages the city offers, far surpass any drawbacks accompanied.

Legal Advocates and Lawyers in Dubai enjoy an exemplary work experience dealing with striking cases from around the world. The added benefits of financial security and a dynamic lifestyle make it a prime option.

By tania.advocates 26 Feb, 2018
Certain matters usually cause conflicts between two parties. They can happen between close friends, family members or between couples in various forms. In most cases, they are resolved by individuals themselves. If they mutual talks do not work, it’s better to involve advocates so that the matter can be resolved easily.

Involving court often stays the final option for resolving certain matters such as family problem or business related conflicts between two partners. Both family matters and business related clashes are too common in certain regions like Dubai.In this regard, advocates in Dubai  use certain techniques to overcome these problems without court involvement.


There is no specific place for negotiation. It is either performed at cafe or at home. Lawyers mainly assist both parties to openly discuss the differences between their choices. Both the parties are advised in a legal way to mutually discuss their rights to resolve the conflicts. Negotiation is a recovery option for recovering the misunderstanding between them.


This is an Assisted Dispute Resolution in which the advocate acts like a mediator. The mediator assists both the parties until they became agree with each other. Certain family matters, including property division or child custody are resolved this way. The mediator provides guidance on individual basis to allow the parties discuss their needs and problems together.

Settlement Conferences:

Sometime both the parties have to decide themselves regarding a certain situation. However, they can’t resolve the rising issues because of two different choices. Advocates in Dubai  play a key role in making them agree with the choices of each other with the help of establishing a settlement conference between them.

Collaborative Family Law:
Lawyers use cooperative strategies for establishing an acceptable settlement between two opposing parties. Rather than working on an argumentative approach, the lawyers assist these parties to accept any option that can work better for both. These parties can also follow court related assistance once they do not agree based on collaborative approaches.

By tania.advocates 24 Jan, 2018


Finally, you have made up your mind about your visit to the UAE. Whether it's a family trip, a recreational or business trip, you will need to ensure that you are geared up in the right and required passion. Every market is different from one another, the traditions, the cultures and the lifestyle may vary a great deal. Therefore, you must ensure that you are not opting for the approach that says, "One size fits all". It won't be helpful, and it won't take you the distance, to be honest.

You will need to ensure that you are backed by a professional attorney who is well-versed in the local legal framework and can deal with almost any situation on your behalf, whether personal or professional.

Many people fail to ensure such backup, and this is where they don't realise that they are asking for trouble and that too big time.

When stuck in complicated situations where the compliance becomes critical and fulfilling legal obligations become a necessity for one to prove him/herself not guilty, one may find it hard to cope just because of the very little understanding about the local culture, traditions, language and legal system.

Why you need a lawyer during your stay in UAE?

To start with, it would be immigration lawyers in Dubai that would be required. They can play an essential role in helping you qualify for the right visa. Without them, it may become a challenging and breath-taking task just to cope with the legal documentation that is required by default from one to be granted with the entrée visa.

Who is fighting your case for you?

This is very important; if you are not sure about this domain, you are heading towards troubled zones. You will need to make sure that it is not just any lawyer that has been hired by you. You will need to come up with smart selection practices to ensure that you have hired an attorney that is blessed with strong market stature and reputation in Dubai, else all your efforts will go in vain, and you will end up in paying fortunes for a nothing service.

What are their certifications and qualifications like?

This is your fundamental and highly critical right. People who are shy to ask such questions from their solution providers are at high risk of hiring the wrong and weak solution providers.

One must not forget, UAE markets are substantial and complicated, the legal system set in place here is not going to favour you if you are trying to convince all with unverified documents, providing proofs in a random flow and failing to establish arguments that fall within the right legal brackets.

This would only be possible if one is qualified and certified by highly reputable law institutions and is rich in the local law that is practised here in the UAE. Ask this question before you anything else while hiring the right legal solution providers.

Can they establish a logical argument?

There is no point if they are presenting cool and indulging before you but when it comes to establishing the right argument before the courts of law, immigration lawyers in Dubai hired by you are struggling.

This is not going to help you as you may lose your right to stay in the UAE, not being awarded the right visa and in case if you have failed to provide the right, attested and verified documents, you may even face a ban from entering the UAE also in the future.

Wrapping it up!

It will need to be you to lead from the front, your lawyer, of course, will be running the show for you before the courts of law, however, your involvement, interest and a constant check will push your attorney to go that extra mile and come up with intended results.

Outsourcing such sensitive tasks to lawyers in Dubai and then sleeping over it may hurt your cause. Delays in decisions may take place, and this ultimately may dent your business plans badly. You will need timely immigration services so that you can visit Dubai and deal with things accordingly. A late and slow immigration processes may cause delays, why not hire the right lawyer and deal with this issue for good.

By tania.advocates 04 Dec, 2017

There is reluctance amongst entrepreneurs in UAE to seek legal help when starting out their new businesses.

This reluctance stems from two things:

  • They believe they can handle all legal matters that will come their way (most don’t even consider the kinds of standard infringements they could be sued on), and;
  • They believe lawyers charge too much, and they’d be better served investing that initial capital elsewhere in the business.

Both of these beliefs are fundamentally wrong, and we’re here to tell you why!

Starting a business is very hard work, and most entrepreneurs don’t realize how much of their time they’re going to be giving away once they set foot on this journey.

There are tons of legal matters to oversee, like jurisdictions, patents, licenses, and contracts, and the lack of any personal time and the immense volume of work will overwhelm even the most business savvy of people.

This is why it’s always a great idea to hire Dubai lawyers when you’re starting out. The biggest threats to new businesses come through legal implications, and you definitely don’t want to be looking for attorneys after your company has been sued or is embroiled in jurisdiction issues with the government.

 By then, it’ll already be too late, and your new attorney will only be able to help you minimize the damages, not avoid them.

There are plenty of other reasons too that why you should have a legal team ready before your business dreams start becoming a reality, like:

Setting up the company structure

In the UAE, your company can be registered as many different kinds of entities and it’s important to know the differences between each before you decide on a company structure.

The structure will go a long way in determining your relationship with the other partners, your tax incentives, and deciding your personal liability.

Protection against lawsuits

As mentioned earlier, it’s already too late to avoid the damages if you’re hiring a lawyer after you’ve been sued. Ideally, any business wants to avoid lawsuits altogether.

Lawyers help you get all your legal matters sorted before you start your business, which eventually saves you a lot of money you would’ve lost to court proceedings and settlements.

Contracts drafting

Anytime you’re drafting a new contract with a client, supplier, or an employee, it’s vital that you have your lawyer look over it before it’s signed. So many entrepreneurs sign contracts without reading them, and one small provision ends up proving very costly.

Protecting your intellectual property

If your company is launching a product or service which incorporates new technologies, it’s vital that you apply for a patent to ensure your idea isn’t stolen by your competitors. Filing a patent is a long and tedious process, and a lone business owner can get lost in the technicalities.

Employee issues

Attorneys also help protect against the all too common legal issues in dealing with employees. These can include compensation packages for employees injured on the job, lawsuits in cases of wrongful termination, and legalities of payments to suppliers.

Family-run businesses

Start a company with your family members can be emotionally tricky business, and you certainly won’t be turning to family lawyers in Dubai when there are disagreements about the proposed ownership or profit sharing.

Having an attorney on hand will ensure that everything is kept professional, and all parties are satisfied with the agreement before anything is signed.

By tania.advocates 30 May, 2017

It is not going to be easy though, especially for those that are foreigners and non-native business operators. The factors of course are going to be language and culture differences. City like Dubai falls in the brackets of metropolitan cities and such cities have culture within cultures, i.e. the influx from different part of the worlds in itself creates a unique culture, coping with which may turn out to be a tough task.

By tania.advocates 13 May, 2017

Most of the parents stay worried about the educational requirements of their children that either they are receiving the required services in the classroom or not. If they require additional services, either they have the rights to ask for these services or they are allowed to do so?

By tania.advocates 25 Apr, 2017
Either legal skills or business and social interactive skills ignorance can’t be helpful to become either great or successful advocate. These are both the basis for their greatness and interactivity with success orientation. Successful advocates in Dubai, KSA, Kuwait, and America are encouraging both the fresher’s and experienced to make do with both of the above skills to rise far higher than expectations.
By tania.advocates 04 Apr, 2017
To move with the flow in fast paced markets like Dubai, one would need to stay on top of the legal proceedings. Many foreigners each year are found breaching the legal system simply because of their cluelessness, culture and language differences.
By tania.advocates 07 Mar, 2017

Every destination has a proper set of rules and regulations that must be followed by all the occupants living there. In case of entry to another country, especially for visitors, or permanent migration of boarder, laws and rules regulations are strictly followed. In such a situation, the responsible embassy still can’t assist the individual who has broken any rules and regulations that are subject to penalty.

Just like followed by all the countries around the globe, all the laws are applicable as well while visiting Dubai. The laws are quite conservative and old-fashioned and therefore all the people are quite strict in their ethical and moral code. In a case of breaking any regulation or avoiding and ignoring to follow a specific law are subject to penalty and in such cases, no excuses are accepted when appearing to court.

Some basic information’s about Dubai law are listed here that ensure a memorable stay there. All these information’s will motivate all the visitors to follow all the rules and regulations for having an amazing and extremely enjoyable stay.

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